Friday, July 29, 2016

Somethings that make you go Mmmmmmmmm - Part 2

Okay voters, we had the RNC event last week, with the Donald leading his pack.  Now the DNC finished their event yesterday.  FLOUS Michelle Obama laid the layers for the cake with her amazing speech on Monday, as was expected and the President, Barrack Obama added the icing on the cake and Hillary Clinton placed the cherry on top of the cake.  The many speakers showed their support by adding so many great ingredients to Hillary's race for the White House, along with Kaine showing that his partnership with Hillary will be an amazing combination.  Hillary laid out some of the issues that she would continue fighting for once she gets in the White House.  These issues are so important for the people of the United States - issues such as women rights, children and student loans, poverty, veterans issues, health care, senior benefits, crime, equality for all regardless of the race or creed, jobs, immigration, Gay rights, unemployment, etc.  These are issues that are important to the American people.  The American people love issues that have priority and "building walls" which is the RNC main priority is not important.

Now, I hope since both these conventions are behind us the people can see which direction we should vote.  I prefer to have a sane person in the White House that belief system is working as a team, than a person that believe he can fix these problems alone.  We don't need a person in the White House that may throw a temper tandem if he can't get his way, and may yell out "You're Fired" before going to his room.  It's time to put away the child's play, this is serious play.

I'm waiting to hear from you.  Use the comment form or email me with your comments.  Later and have a nice COOL weekend.


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Somethings that make you go Mmmmmmmmmm!

Well, the RNC event was very entertaining to say the least. Where should I start......oh hell why not at the opening act.  Melania Trump - when the botox started wearing off and her face became more mobile, that's when it became more obvious how much she admired the FLOUS 2008 DNC speech. Now, remember before the shit hit the fan, she stated she wrote her own speech alone. I guess it's true "you get what you pay for."Mmmmmmmmm

Secondly, why did Eric and Tiffany Trump have to speak?  Ivanka speech was scripted and in my opinion,  what child (ren) would not praise their parent before millions of watchers when he's running for the highest office in the United States, and being on the Trump empire payroll is just a mere icing on this cake.  Mmmmmmmm.

Last, the "Air Kiss," WTF was that about.  It looked as if Trump and Pence may have been planning to hook up at a  W Hotel after this convention. I'm not going to go into details when Trump tapped Ivanka hips after her speech because that can go so many directions. Mmmmmmmmm with a double OMG.

People I would love to hear your comments.  Use the comment section and let's discuss some of the happenings from the 2016 RNC.  All parties are welcome to comment.  Until the DNC next week.  Later


Sunday, July 17, 2016

All Lives Matter - We Are All God's Children

This will probably be the shortest post that I'll ever written.

This week my response is to all the killing going on around the country and states.  It really hurts my heart and blows my mind of the length and depth this race war and just down right evil and wickets have gone. Do you  actually realize how much energy and effort it takes to keep all this hate bottled up inside your body?  Do you know just how toxic this is to your body, mind and spirit, and not to mention your physical health?  People that register hate in their heart against another person, country, nation, etc. , that cause deaths to take place are actually sick people that need some serious mental health assistance.

This country was not built with only one race in mind, but it was built for all races to live together in harmony with each other in peace and love for one another.

People, we need to turn this thing around and stop hating and start getting along with each other.  Let's continue to pray for our country and other countries that's suffering from this hate epidemic in hopes that peace and love will prevail.

Until next time.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Quick Beauty Rejuvenation Tips

Happy July 4th week.  I know most of you attended or prepared a BBQ at home, or with family and friends.  Whatever your case may have been, here are some shortcuts I use to enhance my beauty practices and to give my face a splash of freshness:

  • Quick facial - 1 open green tea bag, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 egg white, 1 half teaspoon of brown sugar.  Mix together and apply to face in circular scrub motion and let set for 5 to ten minutes or until you feel mask tighten.  Rinse and towel dry.  
  • With cotton ball apply Apple cider vinegar to facial  area (do not apply close to eyes).   Let is set for 5 minutes or as long as you can tolerate the cider smell.  Rinse with cold water, and last rinse with Luke warm water.  Towel dry.
  • Pre-used green tea bags can be chilled, and applied to your eyes to take away the puffy look and give you the "well rested, refreshed look."
Complete body scrubs 
  • Take three tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and enough coconut oil or olive oil to blend the brown sugar together for a paste. Once blended, spread the contents over your body which will serve as a scrub and rinse.  This treatment will leave your body soft, smooth and very refresh.  Repeat this once or twice a week for that extra body BOOST.
Rejuvenate those Dogs (feet)
  • In Luke warm water - 1 half cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract, and a couple of drops of olive or coconut oil.  Soak your feet for 15 to 30 minutes, rinse and towel dry.  Apply a Moisturizer  and your feet will feel like you have had a professional foot massage. 
Okay people that's all for now.  Please remember that my tips are diverse, so it works for males and females.  Afterall, men like to pamper themselves just like the ladies, so let's all get cute together. Please leave comments and try some of the links on my posts.  If I post it, I've tried it!  Thank you.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Relationship Pros and Cons by Tee

Today I'm going to give my two cents on Relationship issues.  The advantage of this post today is........ (drum roll please) the men can participate in this discussion with comments if they like.  But before I continue on this subject, please let me apologize to the stay at home Dads.  My earlier post this week I suggested some stay at home or office fitness tips to the women and I praised the Moms for being such a strong force behind their families and just for being the Commander-In-Chief for the home.  Dads if you've switched the role with the Moms, I take my hate off to you for doing and continuing to do such a remarkable job for your family.

Now, on to the subject of today.  Let me just say I'm not a relationship expert but I am experienced in LIFE.  I've had enough experience by lending an ear and shoulder to some major life heartaches and headaches regarding relationships to have some knowledge in this area.

Ladies:  The Dos and Don't List:
  • When going out for a night on the town with your girlfriends, whether it's a club, dinner lounge, concert or whatever, please dress appropriate.  Ladies please leave something to the imagination for the men.  If you go out with all your assets exposed, you may not capture the man of your dreams but most likely a "one night stand."  You can dress classy and still be sexy at the same level.  Men tend to respect ladies more when we show some respect for ourselves, and yes that does include your attires.
  • Please don't be so quick to exchange phone numbers with new acquaintences. Just because he was smiling and talking to you does not mean he's ready to become a couple or your baby's father. You're setting yourself up for a major disappointment.  Let's say you exchange numbers - you're going to be expecting his call everyday, and if that call doesn't come in - BAM disappointment sets in and you're going to think something is wrong with you and that equals depression mode.
  • Stop falling for these guys that's already in a relationship with another lady.  You see, you have to know how men play the "lady against lady" game.  It's an old game but men tend to keep playing it but continue changing the method up alittle to disguise the original method. 
  • Men are born to chase, so let them chase you for a while.  You're not playing a game with him, however it will show you (1) how interested he is in you, and (2) what lengths he will take to catch you.  I'm not saying you should take him through any changes but make the "chase/catch" worth his and your time.
  • Stop advertising the fact that "you don't need a man, you pay your own bills, you have your own place, etc."  It's great that you have accomplished all those things, but you don't need to tell the world about it.  Men look at this in admiration, but they don't need ladies constantly throwing it in their face.  They can see all of this by the way you carry yourself in your confidence in loving yourself minus the arrogant attitude. 
  • Love yourself first.  Don't just say it but walk the talk.  When you get your hair done, there's no need in sending pictures out with the question "how you like my hair?" Don't search for compliments and approvals - allow it to come to you and trust me it will.
  • Stop selling yourself short and accepting just any type of Man in your life.  Ladies know your worth and stop settling for the bull---t.  Being the side chick is not classy, nor will it bring you happiness.  We were not created for leftovers nor sloppy seconds -this is a society creation.  We hold the goldmine and until you meet a Man that's worthy of  this gold - Bye Felicia.
  • Stop treating these men like they're your husbands before you actually have the ring, because by putting the cart before the horse you're opening the door for heartache.  Just suppose things does not work out and he chose some other lady in place of you?  Now you're upset and ready to fight his new lady because you think about all you've done for him.  Grow up please.
  • Take your time, get to know each other, spend quality time together,  laugh alittle, meet his family and friends, watch the way he interact with others, learn his work ethic, find out his goals in life, how does he treat you in public, does he open your door, how is his communication skills, etc.  This is a good time to get to know this person who wants to be in your life.
Let your man treat you like the queen that you are, and remember if you meet a man with children ladies, please know that's a package deal and it does not have to be a deal breaker. - This program is very GOOD! COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK INTO NEW BROWSER.
    Men, I didn't forget about you this time.  Please don't think I don't know about some of the things men go through with ladies because I do.  After all, I have a husband, two sons, four brothers and several nephews, so I think I know a little something about this gender called Man, as well.

Men: The Dos and Don't List:
  • Stop allowing these ladies to keep using you guys for your monetary worth because your worth means so much more.  You're so soft when a cute face gives you attention and when they refer to you as "baby, sweetie or honey," POW! - you think you're in love.  Ladies know what words work best on men.  We're the creators of the sweet nothings.  Even a lady that looks like a troll can say the right words, so think with your head that holds the brain, okay.
  • The vehicles does not make you the IT, especially if you're still living with your parents.  Now there's nothing wrong with living with your parents, but just be real with yourself and stop rolling around town with your GQ attires, your nice car and flashing your money like you got it going on.  That opens Pandora box for the ladies to steer toward you to get in that wallet and will not even consider all the other great attributes that you have to offer.
  • Men continue to love the one you're with, and don't let anyone come between you and your significant other.
  • It is not okay for you to have other non related females in your phone that are not your wife, significant other or partner associate as well. If you have female friends, they should be associated in some form with your main partner.  Note, I did not say friends with her, although that would be nice but if that's not the case, your main lady should be in that mix.  This works vice versa as well.  COPY AND PASTE LINK INTO NEW BROWSER -  http://bit.ly29b09sjtadad -Revise Her Drive.  
  • Please stop letting your unattached friends give you advice on your love life when they have never had a steady girlfriend or significant other in their life.
  • Why not flip the script and prepare or take your lady out to a romantic dinner or just schedule a date night once a week where the two of you can just date each other again.  You have to keep the fire burning in your relationship because if not, once that flame goes down - "Houston We Have A Problem. "
  • It's okay to hold hands, cuddle in public, kiss each other and show your love and affection for one another.  These actions are normal when you love a person and don't care who knows it.  Men these actions does not deplete your manhood, not at all.  You'll probably be the envy of many because ladies will see you as a model of what sexy looks like and what they wish they had.  
Men send your lady some "just because" flowers, or take her out shopping.   It doesn't have to be a shopping spree to break the bank, however surging on a handbag or a pair of pumps would surely grant you a big reward with your lady that will leave you smiling for days!

Okay I'm going to let these TIPS marinate with you until my next post, so until next time.



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fitness Tips for Busy Moms

Hello Ladies, I hope my blog finds everyone in the best of health, wealth and that you're living each day to the fullest.

Okay, let's get down to business.  I'm a Mom and when my kids were young and I was working in Corporate America, I could never find enough hours in the day to take care of the "me things." I didn't want to even think about the weekends because those two days would be just as busy as a normal work week.  So what I had to do is rethink, remap and revamp my entire schedule and life style.  I just could not allow myself to work so hard each week at work and home, and not take some "me time."

I've always been into fitness and at the rate I was going, I couldn't even fit that into my schedule.  I felt if I went to the gym on my lunch break, that would leave me with eating lunch at my desk among the many interruptions.  After school activities consumed my evenings, so I was up shit creek without a paddle regarding free time in that time slot.  I knew there just had to be a better way.   After all, my parents raised eight kids and my Mom was a housewife, and if she could multitake all the household duties, on top of raising all those kids and being a wife also surely my two boys would be a piece of cake, right?  Not!

I created this blog because of what I overheard a busy Mom say in a grocery store one day.  She had a cart with an infant in the small section of the cart, a toddler in the larger section of that same cart, and holding the hand of a four or five year old.  I stood back in the shadow of the isle and watched this Mom manuver three kids, a grocery list, a ringing cell phone and conversing with the neighborhood deli, meat and bakery employees.  When she did reach the check out counter, her face was begging for a "Calagon take me away moment."  Since I had already designated that Mom as my case study for the day, I homed in on a conversation she was having at the check out counter with another shopper.  From what I gathered, she was a housewife that lived in sweat gear six days a week. Hubby worked in corporate which mean his hours were long and late.  She admitted to being just burned out and needing a break.  The gym, beauty salon or spa are terms that does not exist with this Mom.  That's when I had a light bulb moment. Ladies - it time for us to start being and feeling cute again and start working smarter and not harder!
Copy and paste this link into a new browser, if you're still struggling to lose belly fat.

I just want to share some tips for the busy Moms whether you're a housewife or an executive.  A Mom's life is a blessing, however it can also be overwhelming at times.   We have so many responsibilities in the home to make sure everything stays on track so everyone can keep their sanity.

I've found that when I don't have time to get to the gym, whether during or after work the below routines assist me with my fitness and workout plan and trust me I get the same result in the areas that I target.  Please consult with your doctor before participating in any exercise/fitness program.  Okay with that said, here goes:
  • While sitting at your computer or even folding clothes at home - hold in your abs and lightly lift your butt while keeping your back as straight as possible and pulse your butt muscle  (no one will even know you're exercising).  Do this for 3-4 minutes a day.  This does wonders to firm your butt and assist with the conditioning of your abs. TIP:  I do this routine while waiting for appointments  (doctor, hairdresser, manicure and even sitting in car waiting for kids).
  • To strengthen your calves and thighs -   position feet flat on the floor and with heels on floor extend toes (as if you're wiggling your toes)  upward while pressing down on heel and as if you're going to slightly raise from your seat but your butt shouldn't disconnect from your chair. Do as many repres as possible.  This routine has help me maintain the toned appearance of my legs and thighs by keeping these areas tight.
  • To take it up a notch, have some light ankle weights to lay across your feet and while you're at your desk just lift those babies (your feet are under your desk, so who's going to know you're working out while working your 9 to 5). Huh? This routine just add spice to your thigh and leg exercise.
  • Now for the forearm area, this is kind of cool and discreet - when I wear mid arm sleeve tops, I place some very flat/small arm weights on my bicep areas and wear them sometime all day and these babies work wonders in assisting with toning your arms.
Now please note that any routines or products that I suggest in any of my blogs or websites, I have used and/or practiced so I'm not going to recommend anything that I haven't personally tried myself.   I'm not a licensed fitness expert or personal trainer, however I'm a Mom and a working professional that have tried various methods that worked and continue to work for me.   ANOTHER GREAT BOOSTER TO TONE YOUR BODY - http://29cKOU1 (copy and paste this link in new browser).

If these tips are helpful and even if they're not, I want to hear from you.  I will be sharing various tips concerning exercise, fitness, fashion and relationships in my future posts.  Oh yeah,  I may share some fast and easy food prep tips that work for me in my busy schedule.  So until next time continue to "Work Smarter and not Harder."

Later Chicks!

FYI:  I constantly come across free or discounted products or services that I'll post, including great work from home programs that are profitable and legit so keep your eyes open for those postings.

My friends and I share these systems and can confirm its validity.