Saturday, July 23, 2016

Somethings that make you go Mmmmmmmmmm!

Well, the RNC event was very entertaining to say the least. Where should I start......oh hell why not at the opening act.  Melania Trump - when the botox started wearing off and her face became more mobile, that's when it became more obvious how much she admired the FLOUS 2008 DNC speech. Now, remember before the shit hit the fan, she stated she wrote her own speech alone. I guess it's true "you get what you pay for."Mmmmmmmmm

Secondly, why did Eric and Tiffany Trump have to speak?  Ivanka speech was scripted and in my opinion,  what child (ren) would not praise their parent before millions of watchers when he's running for the highest office in the United States, and being on the Trump empire payroll is just a mere icing on this cake.  Mmmmmmmm.

Last, the "Air Kiss," WTF was that about.  It looked as if Trump and Pence may have been planning to hook up at a  W Hotel after this convention. I'm not going to go into details when Trump tapped Ivanka hips after her speech because that can go so many directions. Mmmmmmmmm with a double OMG.

People I would love to hear your comments.  Use the comment section and let's discuss some of the happenings from the 2016 RNC.  All parties are welcome to comment.  Until the DNC next week.  Later


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