Friday, July 29, 2016

Somethings that make you go Mmmmmmmmm - Part 2

Okay voters, we had the RNC event last week, with the Donald leading his pack.  Now the DNC finished their event yesterday.  FLOUS Michelle Obama laid the layers for the cake with her amazing speech on Monday, as was expected and the President, Barrack Obama added the icing on the cake and Hillary Clinton placed the cherry on top of the cake.  The many speakers showed their support by adding so many great ingredients to Hillary's race for the White House, along with Kaine showing that his partnership with Hillary will be an amazing combination.  Hillary laid out some of the issues that she would continue fighting for once she gets in the White House.  These issues are so important for the people of the United States - issues such as women rights, children and student loans, poverty, veterans issues, health care, senior benefits, crime, equality for all regardless of the race or creed, jobs, immigration, Gay rights, unemployment, etc.  These are issues that are important to the American people.  The American people love issues that have priority and "building walls" which is the RNC main priority is not important.

Now, I hope since both these conventions are behind us the people can see which direction we should vote.  I prefer to have a sane person in the White House that belief system is working as a team, than a person that believe he can fix these problems alone.  We don't need a person in the White House that may throw a temper tandem if he can't get his way, and may yell out "You're Fired" before going to his room.  It's time to put away the child's play, this is serious play.

I'm waiting to hear from you.  Use the comment form or email me with your comments.  Later and have a nice COOL weekend.


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Somethings that make you go Mmmmmmmmmm!

Well, the RNC event was very entertaining to say the least. Where should I start......oh hell why not at the opening act.  Melania Trump - when the botox started wearing off and her face became more mobile, that's when it became more obvious how much she admired the FLOUS 2008 DNC speech. Now, remember before the shit hit the fan, she stated she wrote her own speech alone. I guess it's true "you get what you pay for."Mmmmmmmmm

Secondly, why did Eric and Tiffany Trump have to speak?  Ivanka speech was scripted and in my opinion,  what child (ren) would not praise their parent before millions of watchers when he's running for the highest office in the United States, and being on the Trump empire payroll is just a mere icing on this cake.  Mmmmmmmm.

Last, the "Air Kiss," WTF was that about.  It looked as if Trump and Pence may have been planning to hook up at a  W Hotel after this convention. I'm not going to go into details when Trump tapped Ivanka hips after her speech because that can go so many directions. Mmmmmmmmm with a double OMG.

People I would love to hear your comments.  Use the comment section and let's discuss some of the happenings from the 2016 RNC.  All parties are welcome to comment.  Until the DNC next week.  Later


Sunday, July 17, 2016

All Lives Matter - We Are All God's Children

This will probably be the shortest post that I'll ever written.

This week my response is to all the killing going on around the country and states.  It really hurts my heart and blows my mind of the length and depth this race war and just down right evil and wickets have gone. Do you  actually realize how much energy and effort it takes to keep all this hate bottled up inside your body?  Do you know just how toxic this is to your body, mind and spirit, and not to mention your physical health?  People that register hate in their heart against another person, country, nation, etc. , that cause deaths to take place are actually sick people that need some serious mental health assistance.

This country was not built with only one race in mind, but it was built for all races to live together in harmony with each other in peace and love for one another.

People, we need to turn this thing around and stop hating and start getting along with each other.  Let's continue to pray for our country and other countries that's suffering from this hate epidemic in hopes that peace and love will prevail.

Until next time.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Quick Beauty Rejuvenation Tips

Happy July 4th week.  I know most of you attended or prepared a BBQ at home, or with family and friends.  Whatever your case may have been, here are some shortcuts I use to enhance my beauty practices and to give my face a splash of freshness:

  • Quick facial - 1 open green tea bag, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 egg white, 1 half teaspoon of brown sugar.  Mix together and apply to face in circular scrub motion and let set for 5 to ten minutes or until you feel mask tighten.  Rinse and towel dry.  
  • With cotton ball apply Apple cider vinegar to facial  area (do not apply close to eyes).   Let is set for 5 minutes or as long as you can tolerate the cider smell.  Rinse with cold water, and last rinse with Luke warm water.  Towel dry.
  • Pre-used green tea bags can be chilled, and applied to your eyes to take away the puffy look and give you the "well rested, refreshed look."
Complete body scrubs 
  • Take three tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and enough coconut oil or olive oil to blend the brown sugar together for a paste. Once blended, spread the contents over your body which will serve as a scrub and rinse.  This treatment will leave your body soft, smooth and very refresh.  Repeat this once or twice a week for that extra body BOOST.
Rejuvenate those Dogs (feet)
  • In Luke warm water - 1 half cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract, and a couple of drops of olive or coconut oil.  Soak your feet for 15 to 30 minutes, rinse and towel dry.  Apply a Moisturizer  and your feet will feel like you have had a professional foot massage. 
Okay people that's all for now.  Please remember that my tips are diverse, so it works for males and females.  Afterall, men like to pamper themselves just like the ladies, so let's all get cute together. Please leave comments and try some of the links on my posts.  If I post it, I've tried it!  Thank you.
